This is the easiest and most cost-effective way to help your gallery be discovered by people specifically interested in Art when visiting San Miguel de Allende. You’re on the map and easily discoverable!
Gallery listing in our directory, including address, hours, website and contact information. Include one photo. Includes categories of art for search filtering.
Location on our gallery map
Gallery location marked on our interactive map and enabled to show in the ‘Galleries Near You’ geolocation.
Inclusion in recommended tours
Gallery included in self-guided recommended neighborhood walking tours* (requires regular hours as part of your operation to be included in a tour).
Welcome kit and promotional materials
Receipt of an ArteSMA welcome and promotion kit, including a sticker and signage to add the QR code to download the app at your gallery location, and a decal to indicate you are listed in ArteSMA.
Social media publication
A digital announcement welcoming your gallery to ArteSMA to go out on social media as the app launches, one promotion included for Facebook and Instagram that you can reshare.
ArteSMA app launch party
Invitation to our app launch party to connect with the local art community.